Day 162 – Baby Shower

We had a baby shower for a colleague this morning – a lovely breakfast with all the office ladies. An event made somewhat shorter by the fact that the mother-to-be – to whom this was a surprise – went to the wrong restaurant, got stuck in traffic, and appeared 40 min late. In the meantime, there was plenty of time to take photos of the restaurant fountains.

Day 162


Day 135 – The One that didn’t break

I really enjoy high-speed photography. Especially when it comes to water-drops and splashes. So I got an idea to photograph breaking water-balloons. Being as impatient and bad at planning as I am, I got right to it. The fact that I didn’t actually have any water-balloons was of no consequence. Normal balloon would do.

Except that it didn’t. It. Just. Wouldn’t. Break.

You can imagine all the cool splash-effects going on in the inside of the balloon.


Day 98 – Splash of Pineapple

Raw pineapple is the only thing I’m allergic to – Something I found out the hard way years ago, after having some pineapple for lunch during work. After the pineapple is cooked, the acidity reduces and I can happily eat it to my heart’s content. Nevertheess, we rarely have pineapple in the house.

Last weekend I found a recipe I wanted to try. Luckily pineapples are in season.