Warning: may contain nuts

Another fabulous Luxembourg festival: Vianden Nut Festival. The whole day dedicated to walnuts.

Just take everyhting you can imagine that can be made of walnuts –  and multiply it by two.Only thing you can’t find anywhere is a nutcracker. We have found our market space for next year.

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201310 Vianden nut market 530

201310 Vianden nut market 481

201310 Vianden nut market 473

The highight for many in this festival is the nut liquer. And the traditional ways is to smuggle in some small cups and drink it on the streets.

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201310 Vianden nut market 486

It’s all quite nuts, really.

201310 Vianden nut market 589

10,000 rubber ducks

Small country need small festivals. Few are more bizarre than the Duck Race.

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Concept is simple: take 10,000 rubber ducks, sell them to people for charity, dump them to the river and see which duck comes to the finishing line first. The lucky owner of that one wins a car.

All ducks are the same. No tuning allowed.

Half of Luxembourg showed up.

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Although not everyone showed similar enthusiasm.

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Suspence is building up

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And here they come. All 10,000 of them

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Some of the ducks need some help


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At the end, it’s all for charity. No other reason really.


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My duck did not win.

Home – with a capital H

It is amazing how much comfort a pot with herbs can give you. Having spent the last years zig-zaging around the world, it is nice to feel settled.

Few pictures of the Home.

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Office / hobby room / attick

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My herb pots

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Little blotch of garden

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Aubepines are in bloom right now – and apple tree is about to blossom too. What can I say. Spring.

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Pain and pleasure of moving house

Long time and no posts… I have a lot of new pictures to post, but first a word of explanation for the past weeks silence. We’ve been moving. Enough said.

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Moving house in luxembourg requires a lot of extra measures. Blocking half of the road, for example, to have room for the moving van…

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…and naturally getting a lift to get anything bigger than a box up the stairway to second floor

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But, at last, we are home!

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